Best of British Plant Breeding Choisya White Dazzler AGM good for pots great in the border. Good for Bees with more flowers than any other Choisya

2025 Showcasing an increasing range of exceptionally good garden plants My royalities Help people in Horticulture Check out 'NEWS' top of page 'PLANT HEROES' Feb 2025'

To celebrate 60 years in horticulture in 2020 Peter gave 25% of his royalties, 

to the horticultural charity Perennial which assists people in horticulture during tough times.

Two New Escallonia Launching in June 2025 at the

National Plant Show by the Newey Group

Peter also recommends   Champion Plants a mail-order company which grows an increased range of my plants. They also supply Longstock Nursery.

My Buddleja hybrids can be viewed in the National Buddleja Collection at Longstock Park  Stockbridge SO20 6EH

USA New A  selection of my Buddleja hybrids are available from.  A Thousand Flowers   so new some are not yet listed on this site

UPDATE HUNDREDS OF STOCKISTS ARE NOW  LISTED FOR 2025  if you find a dead link please email me

French nurseryman Jean Pouillart enthusing about Choisya White Dazzler


5 mins of Fame when I was on Gardeners World August 2018

click to view this YouTube

Legendary plant breeder Peter Moore reflects 40 years and 45 plants

 Hort Week Podcast  June 2023

click to listen to this Podcast

How I Create New Plants

I spend many hours over the winter months researching reference books, the web etc and plan a programme on the genera I intend to work on in the coming year. In the case of Buddleja I aim for sterile flowers and compact growth but not ground cover.

You can let the bees do all the work, but I prefer to carefully remove the stamens from the individual flowers. However, if the flowers are 2 mm across or less this can be quite challenging but I feel this method allows you to raise more complex hybrids and far more satisfyingly it is your work and not done by the bees.

See video below for information on how plant breeding is done.

Find Out More

Peter’s Plants

Peter has been Plant Breeding and creating new plants for 43 years. This website showcases his achievement from the award-winning Choisya White Dazzler AGM to a portfolio that now includes shrubs, climbers and perennials.

Peter's Story
  • Buddleja davidii ‘Longstock Autumn Delight’

  • Buddleja alternifolia Unique

  • Buddleja ‘Pride of Longstock’






Thanks to Peter for all the plants you have brought into the world.

Roy Lancaster, My Life With Plants

Peter's Journal