My profile in Waitrose Chronicle, Staff magazine

31 January 2017, by Peter Moore

Profile Waitrose Chronicle  23/01/2016


How did you start out in your working life?


I started at Leckford in 1997 as the Propagator and took on the responsibility as The Custodian of the National Collection of Buddleja in 2004.

I semi-retired in 2010 and now have more time to promote this international collection; for the past 18 months I have been compiling and funding a web site listing all of the Buddleja in the collection with hundreds of stunning photos.

Away from the Buddleja collection I have just finished pruning the Kiwi climber by the nursery shop and other climbing plants on the walls.

I propagate rare plants for customers if they are unattainable from our suppliers.

I have also given talks on Buddleja and developing new plants is another of my passions.

In February, I’m giving a talk on “The Intricacies of Plant Breeding” to Test Valley U3A.

I enjoy passing on my knowledge so that others may be as enthusiastic in their love for plants as I am, and hopefully in time they may be able to pass their knowledge onto others.

I bred a new Antirrhinum in 2015 and more are being trialled at this moment.

Have plenty of patience and do not give up easily; only a small percentage of the plants which you breed are marketed but having a plant showcased at Chelsea Flower Show more than compensates.

When the Chronicle telephoned I was listing all the hybrids crosses I made last year; I now have 50 packets of seed to sow covering six different genera. For the future hopefully another ‘Longstock introduction’.

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