Longstock Park Nursery, part of the Leckford Estate owned and managed by Waitrose, lies within Hampshire’s picturesque Test Valley. The nursery is set in and around a brick and flint walled garden and in the nursery gardens the National Buddleja Collection Hardy species & hybrids can be viewed
www.buddlejacollection.com This website was compiled and funded by Peter Moore, Keeper of the Collection.
The most comprehensive website on the Buddleja genus listing all the plants in the National Collection at Longstock.
Buddleja are beautiful and magical when covered in butterflies.

A visit to the nursery to view the 80 m herbaceous border, with its Clematis and fruit tree archway, is a must for any garden lover throughout the year

A selection of our plants can be seen growing in and around the nursery and there is a marvellous display of naturalised bulbs, snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells along the driveway in early spring.

2010 Sadly new daffodil bulbs are no longer planted in the autumn