Sent to me by Christine Lomer a customer living in France 11th May 2024
I am sending you photos of your amazing Buddleja Unique taken this morning. Although you sent it to me in France at the end of 2020, this is the first year it has flowered. I planted it in the ground as I find pots very difficult during the hot summer. Admittedly it has been slow to get going, in full sun and last summer with temps several times over 40 degrees. It sent out lots of long shoots in all directions which I cut back by half and this has made it very dense and branching, a bit like a cats cradle!
It has been quite an eye catcher in the garden with everyone asking what it is. It should be more widely grown. Visitors are sometimes coming specially to see the buddlejas and asking about growing them.
We have had a very mild winter with hardly a frost and Farreri performed brilliantly in April, taking all winter for the flowers to open.
It is a very hardy Buddleja – 20c