Deciduous Shrubs

Shrubs provide the backbone of a garden giving height and structure whether they are evergreen or deciduous. They can be used in borders or as individual specimens and careful selection can provide a garden with year round interest from bright spring foliage colours, summer flowering and autumn foliage tints.

Shrubs come in all shapes and sizes from small varieties suitable for the front of a border or container to huge flowering and foliage specimens which are grown individually or in groups.

The seven hybrids offered in this deciduous Collection are excellent garden plants, all are hardy and will grow in any well drained soil.

Flowering in spring andsummer. The Philadelphus is scented and the Weigela and Spiraea have good autumn colour. The Leycesteria bears reddish purple berries and the Philadelphus has maroon coloured stems in the winter.

Interest for all seasons.


My Hybrids