Lonicera ‘Firecracker’

Growing in The Hillier Arboretum in the 1990s was Lonicera prolifera.

It aroused my curiosity; this climbing honeysuckle had leaves looking just like a perfoliate Eucalyptus, intensely glaucous and forming a rounded disk with yellow flowers. Lonicera prolifera comes from North America.

Lonicera ‘Fire Cracker‘ has retained the intensely glaucous leaves of prolifera, but with red flowers.

  • Very hardy twining deciduous shrub
  • Growing in any well drained soil
  • Tolerates all conditions from full sun to an east facing fence
  • Leaves glaucous grey-green
  • Upper leaves perfoliate and intensely glaucous forming a rounded disk
  • Flowers red with protruding yellow anthers
  • Flowers in the spring followed by bright red berries in the autumn


Genus Lonicera
Species prolifera x unnamed species
Cultivar 'Firecracker'
Category Deciduous shrub
Height & Spread 200 cm x 250 cm along a fence or wall or supported as a shrub
Plant Breeders Rights Exclusive to Newleaf Plants
Colours Colours and sizes are approximate and are intended as a guideline and may vary according to local conditions.
  • Single flower of L Fire Cracker late May Longstock

  • Lonicera Fire Cracker flowering on a east facing fence 2014 Peter Moore

  • This is the original raised in 1997 planted in my garden 1998 photo 19th April 2018 East facing fence





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