During the annual meeting of the Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society (KVBC), Choisya White Dazzler was voted Best Novelty 2015. An honorary title of which Plantipp BV is very proud!
Choisya White Dazzler (‘Londaz‘PBR) was followed by the KVBC over a longer period of time in the so called field inspection. The judging committee awarded this shrub with a KVBC-Award Gold because of, among other things, the abundant flowering with fragrant flowers from April to October. This Choisya has a spherical growth habit and dark green, separated foliage with narrow leaves. It is very hardy and excellent for gardens and public green areas.
The KVBC-judging committee has chosen 6 nominations from all Gold Awards in 2015. On 15 February, the members of the KVBC chose Choisya White Dazzler as their favorite. A nice appreciation for breeder Peter Moore from the United Kingdom.